Your step-by-step transition to a data and AI-driven

Metal Factory

HappyOps assists metal manufacturers to evolve into a digital factory, improving efficiency and carbon footprint and making their workplace more attractive for new talent.


The challenges of metal production

Metal manufacturing is a complex and energy-intensive process that heavily relies on a worker's experience, especially when producing precision parts.


High dependency on
experienced workers

In the metal manufacturing industry, where a skilled workforce is essential, the current shortage of qualified workers has significantly increased the importance of relying on historical data and continuously improving SOPs.


Worker productivity
and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)

OEE influences labor efficiency, equipment ROI, production rates, and, ultimately, on-time delivery.


Sustainability targets

Metal manufacturing has one of the most significant carbon footprints among all industries. However, in these times, there's a stronger desire to minimize environmental impact — a shift that can also result in significant cost savings.


Adjusting to customer

The manufacturing landscape has evolved: demands pivot quickly, and supply can be unpredictable. However, traditional metal production remains relatively inflexible, struggling to adapt swiftly to customer needs.

Your journey to a digital metal factory

HappyOps guides you on your way to flexible and more efficient digital manufacturing operations, step by step.


Digital Machine Workstation

Maximize transparency and control with Live Order Management & Tracking at the workstation. This feature offers visibility into the order queue, provides order information and work instructions, and allows users to request forklift trucks or AGVs for material commissioning or pickup.

Performance Dashboard – Machine Workstation

This Dashboard, mounted in the machine or machine group area, displays relevant performance data such as status, error notifications, and target versus actual metrics.

Shift Management Planning Dashboard

A touchscreen dashboard mounted in the machine group area displays all planned and scheduled orders across various machines. It allows the shift/group leader to prioritize or modify order queues and request materials for specific charges.

Data Reporting and AI-Driven Analytics

The system offers customized reports on metrics such as shift performance, OEE, interruptions, and more. These reports feature time-based analysis, including drill-down functionalities, and are enhanced by AI-driven data mining.

Data Reporting and AI-Driven Analytics

The system offers customized reports on metrics such as shift performance, OEE, interruptions, and more. These reports feature time-based analysis, including drill-down functionalities, and are enhanced by AI-driven data mining.

Worker Mobile Apps

Designed for varied tasks, these mobile apps cater to specific operational needs:
• Machine Operators: Ideal for those overseeing multiple machines, enhancing response time during interruptions.
• Forklift Drivers: Enables prompt responses to material commissioning or pick-up requests.
• and many other tailored functionalities.

Ralf Haller

Plant Manager ERHARD GmbH & Co. KG

"HappyOps helps us to create transparency in the area of machining, to increase our OEE and to reduce our stock levels."

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